Hume Planning has recently secured planning permission for development comprising the erection of a five storey building comprising ground floor cafe with outdoor seating area, ground floor public toilets, 8no. apartments and fourth floor restaurant, with associated cycle and refuse stores and substation enclosure, following the demolition of the existing cafe building.
An exciting addition to Ramsgate’s seafront the Practice worked with local stakeholders at an early stage of the design process. The building will replace a dilapidated single storey structure that was in a poor state of repair, and the Practice identified the opportunity for a new landmark to be created complimenting the site’s unique sea-front location nestled within the chalk cliff and fronting onto Western Undercliff a well-known beach for Ramsgate residents.
The proposal will deliver a truly distinctive landmark building with a mix of complimentary uses that will serve beach users, the local community and will also play a part in helping to meet the housing need of the district.